Bad acoustics?
Everyone knows - being in a place with bad acoustics can have a big impact on your experience. You are not able to focus or have a decent conversation.
Also, did you know that poor acoustics can harm your health over time without you consciously realizing anything is happening?
According to research, bad acoustics can lead your brain to detect these sound reflections and putting your body in a constant state of alert, which then puts your body through unnecessary stress.
Overtime, this can lead to negative effects on your health such as sleep disturbance, cardiovascular effects and hearing problems.

WWOVENS are a great ánd charming option to control volume levels. Not only the unique texture of polyester and cotton helps to reduce noise, we also offer an extra service to apply high quality absorbing foam to your WWOVEN.
This foam helps to improve acoustics in any room.
Noise goes down in large, crowded areas. In this way you and your customers, visitors and colleagues feel comfortable and focused.
Interested? Look for a WWOVEN you like and choose 'add absorbing foam' to your order.
Lower the noise with the charm of unique, noise tempering art
Better acoustics help you and your conversation partners to listen carefully ánd with comfort
Did you know your productivity and focus can be inclined up to 82%, by simply using acoustic foam?
In recent research with 525 participants in the Netherlands, acoustic solutions helped employees to finish their work earlier. Plus, they seemed to remain much more energy at the end of the day (Timmermans, 2020).
Good acoustics = happy customers = good customer reviews
Improve your acoustics
Your experience
Your health